Thursday, 23 July 2015

This thing on?

Hello all and good... well, whatever time zone appropriate greeting is right for you when or where you decide to read this. This is the first post of this blog that I'm trying to keep going so I have something to write about or for while finished university for the summer. 

Before you all ask *sees only one hand raised* I study Film and Media and approaching my final year so not long left before I get let out into the big, bad and unemployed world. 

Oh such much satire already!

Anyway, back on track. The essence of this blog is to just give me an outlet to attempt some form of self based opinions on films, television and games that get released or have been released as do love a bit of a retro bash (local comic café had Time Crisis on PS1 so naturally, I'm going to play the shit out of it). It all stemmed from my habit of having little comment or rants about issues in gaming and my thoughts on films which sparked some nice dialogue between some friends so made me think, why not do it a little more... professional, rather than pasting it all over the old blue and white social media page.

Naturally, the whole look of this page and blog is awful. Stuck on some quite frankly, dreadful template until I actually decide how this thing should look and sound in terms of writing style. Also, getting some sort of writing team so this thing will get some content as if just left to me doing stuff, it will be barer then Steam Greenlight of actual finished games. Yes, I do thank whatever holy being exists for Jim Sterling as I enjoy his work. Got a problem? Move on as I believe in the belief of if you don't like something, why stay to watch it? You're just wasting you own time doing something you actually like? *Sigh* 21 years old and still don't get humanity sometimes. So will likely try and get it looking, somewhat credible and with content in the next week or two, depending on my attempt at thinking up things worth writing or reading.

Think that will be a sufficient short introductory post for now. Hope you few (one) readers that decide to stick around and see what happens will enjoy yourselves while I try to construct this awesome persona with a catchy sign off for you all as all the best writers have these. Sterling, Yahtzee and... well those that I remember for the moment.

So long and have a pleasant day my readers.

(Note: That could so work!)

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